What is a Relaxed Performance?
A relaxed performance is designed to create a more welcoming environment for individuals who may be uncomfortable with the typical theatre atmosphere. The creative team and theatre staff may make some small adjustments to a production to create this relaxed environment.
Who are Relaxed Performances for?
Originally designed to accommodate patrons with disabilities, the relaxed performance setting has become popular around the world for patrons with Autism Spectrum disorder, Tourette’s syndrome, families with young children, first time theatre goers and really anyone who feels they would benefit from a more relaxed theatre experience.
Everyone is welcome to attend a relaxed performance!
What is the difference between a relaxed performance and a regular performance?
Typically, standard theatre etiquette would mean keeping quiet and still during a performance. Most patrons attending a regular performance will be encouraged to wait until intermission or breaks in the performance before getting up to use the restroom, stretch their bodies, or make noise. During a relaxed performance, patrons will have the freedom to move around if they need. This setting also helps those who may make involuntary noises or movements feel more comfortable to be themselves. A relaxed performance also allows parents with children the freedom of knowing they won’t be shushed or asked to keep still during the performance.