Reach Your Audience

Rainbow Stage has a reach of over 55,000+ visitors each year attending the summer performances in Kildonan Park.

Target Your Audience

Themed shows provide a unique opportunity to create a special connection to your target audience.

Advertise with Rainbow Stage

Rainbow Stage has a reach of over 55,000+ visitors each year attending the summer performances in Kildonan Park. To compliment each show Rainbow Stage produces a program which features actor profiles, interesting stories along with feature ads from corporations and local businesses. These programs offer a great form of advertising by providing a targeted audience ideal for retail businesses and corporations alike. Uniquely themed shows can also offer additional awareness for businesses by creating a direct correlation to their product or service. Many who attend the shows collect the programs providing a long-term awareness for advertisers.

Program advertising is based on the season, which includes both shows. Ads are available in three sizes: Full Page, Half Page, and Quarter Page. Preferred placement is also available for a premium with preference given to regular advertisers.

Advertising Pricing & Page Ad Size

Program advertising is based on the season, which includes both shows.

FULL (300 DPI)*


Size (with bleeds): 8.25″ x 11″

Size (no bleeds): 7″ x 10″


HALF (300 DPI)


Size (with bleeds): 8.25″ x 5.75″

Size (no bleeds): 7″ x 4.75″




Size: 3.3” x 4.56”




Size: 3.3” x 2”


*Add $200 per show for preferred inner cover ad placement (limited quantity)

ARTWORK DEADLINES Artwork must be submitted by:

ROCK OF AGES – May 3, 2025

DISNEY’S FROZEN – June 6, 2025

FILE REQUIREMENTS Preferred format is a CMYK, high-resolution PDF (300dpi) with all fonts outlined. Other formats are available with advance approval only. Send files to:

AD PLACEMENT Advertisers will be given the best location possible. Request for preferred positions will be honored when possible. Regular advertisers will be given preference for ad location

PAYMENT Invoices will be sent out at time of advertisement booking. Payment expected before artwork deadline.

Rainbow Stage reserves the right to reject any advertising based on content and/or improper format or size. Advertisers and advertising agencies shall assume liability for content of ads printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising against Rainbow Stage. Cancellations will not be accepted after the artwork deadline date. Cancellations after that date will be billed at the full rate of space confirmed.

For advertising and sponsorship opportunity questions, please contact: Mindy Barsky, 204 989 5261 (Ext #107)