Rainbow Stage is governed by a Board of Directors and managed by a team of 7 full-time dedicated and talented individuals who operate Rainbow Stage in accordance with the by-laws and policies as adopted by the Board of Directors.

Registered charity number:
13546 7777 RR0001.

Board of Directors


Chris Reid – Chair

Cheryl Grewar – Vice Chair

Tracy Snowdon – Treasurer

Hayley Main– Secretary

Jeff Peeler – Past Chair

Directors at Large

Melanie Athayde

Tracy Bowman

Corinne Barrett DeWiele

Irina Ivanov

Evelyn Mayor

Ina Prokipchuk

Dorothy Young


Campbell McIntyre

Rainbow Stage is Manitoba’s premier musical theatre company, Canada’s leading not-for-profit musical theatre company, and also Canada’s largest and longest-running outdoor theatre. We provide world class professional musical theatre and are dedicated to entertaining and engaging the diverse and culturally rich Manitoba community we serve.


To be an internationally recognized centre of excellence for musical theatre production and for the development of musical theatre artists and other theatre professionals.


To produce excellent musical theatre, to develop and support talented Manitoba artists and other theatre professionals, and to foster a diverse and engaged audience through a shared exploration of the musical theatre arts.

Core Values

(Our Core Values will be revisited as part of our next Strategic Plan targeted for September 2021)


Accessibility and Sustainability
  • To endeavour to ensure that our productions are accessible to the widest possible community.
  • To sustain the art form of live musical theatre as a vibrant and important part of the arts and entertainment in Manitoba.
Balanced Programming
  • To strive in the selection of shows to provide varied programming including traditional classic and contemporary productions, new and innovative shows, family friendly shows, and shows that reflect the diversity of the people and culture of Manitoba, as our financial situation permits or requires.
  • To contribute to the economic health of Manitoba by employing Manitobans and attracting tourists.
  • To promote, advance and enhance musical theatre as a hybrid art form.
    To celebrate innovation by exploring the new and re-imagining the familiar.
  • To encourage involvement of people from all the diverse communities of Manitoba in all aspects of the theatre, from artists and other theatre professionals and administrative staff to audience and volunteers.
  • To reflect the diversity of Manitoba’s community in programming.
  • To produce the highest calibre of professional musical theatre.
  • To nurture, promote and maintain the highest standard of artistic excellence.
  • To encourage and develop international quality theatre professionals: performers, creative and technical staff.
Financial Stability
  • To operate in a fiscally responsible manner, using sound business practices, within the framework of a robust governance structure.
  • To restrict our selection of shows to productions that are reasonably expected to be commercially viable and to not undertake more commercially risky productions unless our financial situation is such that, in the opinion of the board, we have sufficient assets to sustain the fiscal health of the company should a loss be experienced.
Manitoba First
  • To provide a showcase and opportunities for Manitoba talent by hiring Manitobans unless (in the artistic discretion of the creative team) a Manitoban qualified and suitable for the role or job does not apply.
  • To provide nationally recognized training and professional development to young, emerging, mid-career and established Manitoba artists and other theatre professionals.