The Rainbow Stage

Acting Intensive

The Acting Intensive

The Acting Intensive features paid, professional training for selected emerging and early career local musical theatre artists. Applicants may also apply to audit the classes and participate free of charge. Each year centers around a different theme and the number of participants varies based on available funding. We encourage any emerging or early career musical theatre artist who is seeking further professional development to apply.

The Acting Intensive takes place annually (usually in the Fall). Applications are made publicly available on our social media, website and email list.

This program is generously supported by private donors. To help us grow this program, DONATE HERE.

More information coming soon.


circle quoteWhen I came in at the start of the week I was very scared – I did not know what to expect. Over the week I have learned so much about myself, acting and the amazing community I have supporting me. As the journey continues I will look back and be so grateful that I had this experience. I needed this week more than I ever thought and I feel so much more trained and confident going into my future projects. Thank you so much.
circle quote(This Intensive) has changed my life. This past week, I spent 40 hours developing so many facets of my craft as a performer. To work like this, with a group of artists and superior instructors has pushed me to new places I’ve never experienced before as an actor, singer and dancer. I am so immensely grateful to you for providing with me this experience. I feel very rich as a human.
circle quoteI found strength I didn’t know I had. I really pushed myself and I can handle more then I expected. It has encouraged me to continue my training and given me hope for my future.
circle quoteI cannot thank you enough for making this week possible for me and for all of us. The things that I am learning this week will not only bring me deeper success in my career but also in my life. In my opinion, nothing could be more important. So, thank you from the deepest part of my soul.
circle quoteI feel so grateful to have been a part of this amazing Actors Intensive. I value every piece of training I have received this week but more importantly, I feel blessed to have had this amazingly creative experience. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
circle quoteAn amazing cross-pollination of different performance techniques. Combined with a stellar and diversely talented ensemble it really helped me explore new limits in technique and also share with other artists about “the craft”
circle quoteAs dramatic as this sounds, these last couple of days truly have changed my life. I thought that it would be more of a refresher, but I learned more tools to carry with me than I have in years of being in the business. The lessons taught by our instructors were so simple and so effective. I’ve really found a new and fresh appreciation for this art form, that I truly needed, and I just cannot thank you enough for allowing this to take place in our community.
circle quoteThank you so much for this opportunity. As performers we are always learning and growing and being given this opportunity to have a week of free training (or for some – paid!) with industry professionals like this is a gift. So thank you so much for allowing all twelve of us this week. My heart is very full.
circle quoteThis intensive was life changing. The amount of work and love we were able to put into it has made me realize that theatre is my passion and would not be happy doing anything else. The community is so strong, and being able to make these connections at a place like this is so beneficial to everyone involved.
circle quoteI feel very fortunate to have participated in this Intensive, and I feel very grateful to you for making this possible. The instructors were all very talented and passionate about teaching. I feel confident in thinking this experience will have a lasting positive influence on me. I found that this program was the perfect amount of challenge, while surrounded by supportive and caring people.
circle quoteSo much information and experience was shared during these five days at the Rainbow Stage Actor’s Intensive. WOW. What a gift. The seeds of knowledge that were planted in us will flower for a lifetime.
circle quoteIt has truly been a life changing week for me. It has given me a renewed outlook and love for my career and art. I feel so honoured to spend this time in such a supportive and community oriented community atmosphere where I have grown so much, not just as a performer artist but as a human.

Frequently Asked Questions

Email us at
to express your interest!

If you have questions about the Acting Intensive, send them to us and we will add them to this page!

Registration Form


Rainbow Stage is committed to promote equal engagement opportunities by inclusive casting of artists who self-identify as diverse in roles where ethnicity, gender, age, the presence or absence of a disability, or any other ground of discrimination prohibited by law, is not prescribed


Rainbow Stage Inc. (1993)   BOX OFFICE: 204.989.0888 

202-1215 Henderson Hwy.  Winnipeg MB    R2G 1L8   P 204 989 5261   F 204 989 5266

Rainbow Stage Inc. (1993)

BOX OFFICE: 204 989 0888

202-1215 Henderson Hwy. Winnipeg MB  R2G 1L8

P 204 989 5261   F 204 989 5266