The Board of Directors for Rainbow Stage is comprised of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 16 directors. The board usually meets once a month.
Board Committees serve by supporting specific aspects of the organizations’ activities and are generally comprised of directors. However, there are committees that include community members who are not directors. Each committee meets on an ‘as needed’ basis and frequency varies by committee and time of year.
Those wishing to serve on a board committee are invited to send a letter of interest and resume to the appropriate emails which are listed below. Please note that your letter of interest will be kept confidential.
The board currently has 8 standing committees and 2 additional committees, all of which are chaired by a director, and each must have at least three members. The members, other than the chair, need not be a director.
Governance Committee
This committee considers and reviews policy and governance issues and makes recommendations to the board. It currently has 3 members, one of whom is a community member.
Nominating Committee
Consisting of the members of the Executive Committee, this committee is chaired by the past chair of the board. It recruits and recommends nominees to fill vacancies on the board.
Finance and Audit Committee
This committee monitors the financial status of the organization and reports to the board. It is chaired by the treasurer and currently has 3 directors as members.
Fundraising and Sponsorship Committee
Consisting of several directors, this committee oversees and participates in our principal fundraising activities and is currently inviting community members to apply. Those wishing to express interest in serving on this committee are invited to send a letter of interest and resume to FundraisingCommittee@rainbowstage.ca
Education and Outreach Committee
Consisting of directors and several community members, this committee oversees and participates in our principal education and outreach activities. This committee is not currently seeking additional community members. However, those wishing to express interest in serving on this committee in the future are invited to send a letter of interest and resume to EducationAndOutreachCommittee@rainbowstage.ca
Wall of Fame Committee
Consisting of directors and community members, this committee recommends inductees to the Rainbow Stage Wall of Fame and organizes the event at which they are inducted. This committee is not currently seeking new members. However, those wishing to nominate someone to the Wall of Fame are invited to send an email to WallofFameCommittee@rainbowstage.ca
Production Committee
Consisting of directors, this advisory committee supports the Artistic Director on aspects of the organization such as creative vision, programming, and New Works. This committee consists of directors and community members. Those wishing to express interest in serving on this committee are invited to send a letter of interest and resume to ProductionCommittee@rainbowstage.ca
Encore Committee
Consisting of directors and community members, this committee plans, oversees and participates in the planning and delivery of our annual season-ending Gala, Encore. This committee is currently welcoming new community members to apply. Those wishing to express interest in serving on this committee are invited to send a letter of interest and resume to EncoreCommittee@rainbowstage.ca
Capital Campaign Committee
Consisting of directors and community members, this committee advises and supports the development of a capital campaign to re-imagine the facility in Kildonan Park. Further information to come.